Black woman...
Can I take care of you...
Can I Stare at you...
You always bear with me...
So I'll never get bored with you...
I'll never bid board with you...
Black woman..
You're not angry, you're just passionate...
And any way that the wind blows, I'll take that over passionless...
Black woman..
You're the tree, I'm just the leaves...
So if someday I blow up, I want you right there next to me...
I want you right there checking me...
Black woman..
Can you talk? I'll write your story down...
'Cause they don't see your halo, they mistake it for a flashy crown...
Your crafty gown...
Adorns the most torn and scornful...
Even if you are mournful...
You're still warm and cordial...
Still strong and loyal...
Black woman...
You sacrificed so many pieces to make a King outta me...
Checker jumping through broken societies....
Neglecting propriety...
Accepting both sides of me...
Black queen...
Your banner is star studded not star spangled...
Deeply rooted in provision from all angles...
They tried to enslave and derail you...
But your soul train led you to find routes where they couldn't smell you...
Learn things they wouldn't tell you...
Make money they wouldn't mail you...
Love me unconditionally...
Even though I often fail you...
So here's another diamond for your halo...